Students at Mount Pleasant Road Primary School have weekly Physical Education (PE) lessons run by a specialist PE teacher. These lessons are 50 minutes for all years. The aim of our Health and Physical Education Program is for students to develop their skills and game knowledge to enable them to enthusiastically compete in a variety of sporting events.
Our program in Foundation is based on the development of each students’ fundamental motor skills. These skills include running, jumping, skipping, hopping, rolling, climbing, throwing, catching, kicking and bouncing. Students play whole class and small group games which encompass the focus skill. Students are actively involved in their lesson and use a variety of equipment to enhance their learning.
Our program in Years 1-2 extends on the basic fundamental skills moving into more specific skills. These are underarm and overarm throw, one handed and chest passes, skipping with a rope, kicking a variety of balls, forward and backward roll, bouncing with preferred and non preferred hand. Students work cooperatively in small groups and will begin to play more structured games following rules and working with teammates.
Students in Years 3 & 4 now have a sound understanding of skills and are using these skills in a variety of structured games. Students enjoy the opportunity to learn about different sports and are able is identify and use these skills to compete in games with success.
In Year 5 & 6, our students have an excellent understanding of all skills and can apply these skills with success in a variety of sports. In PE classes, students work cooperatively with peers to apply team tactics and strategy to achieve success. In these whole class games, students experience winning and losing and learn how to behave in both these situations.
All students in Years Three to Six have the opportunity to participate in interschool sports, including Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming. Students in Year 5 and 6 also participate in team sports (eg netball, football, soccer, volleyball, softball, t-ball, basketball, hot shots tennis). Students in Years 3-6 can purchase a sport's top from the Uniform Shop. Team members are supplied with uniform items for specific sports such as netball and AFL football.
Students in Years 5 and 6 participate in our annual Bike Education Program. This program teaches safety and riding skills and culminates in a supervised ride in the local streets. Road Safety skills are taught at all levels.
Students across the school are expected to participate in our intensive two week Swimming Program, which uses qualified Aust-Swim instructors to teach sequential water safety and swimming techniques at local pools.
Children in Foundation have one session of the Perceptual Motor Program (PM) each week. These classes are held in the hall and aim to develop physical coordination, by promoting eye-hand, eye-foot coordination, locomotion, rhythm and balance. To enable small groups to operate, the school seeks the assistance of parents. If you are able to give time to this worthwhile program please inform your child's teacher or the school office.
Life Education Van visits the school biennially bringing its range of programs for every year level. Students participate in sessions in the classroom and the van on health education topics that are age appropriate.
The primary aim of The Visual Arts program is students will develop creative ways of expressing themselves and experiment with a range of techniques and art materials. Visual Arts is a valued learning area with students from years F-6 taking part in specialist lessons each week. Students investigate the visual elements of art (space, texture, form, shape, colour, line). They explore both traditional and experimental approaches to drawing, painting, print-making, collage, sculpture and textiles and learn to work safely with various tools and materials in their art making.
Students then have opportunities to reflect on purpose and meaning and respond to the artwork of others and build on language skills as well. Students are given varied opportunities to display their work in the art room, the office foyer, and display areas around the school, as well as at special events and exhibitions within the school and the wider community. Every second year the School Art show is held to display and celebrate Visual Arts at MPRPS with individual and collaborative pieces.
Performing Arts at Mount Pleasant Road Primary School gives students of all ages and abilities a wonderful opportunity to learn, perform and love music, dance and drama.
Our Performing Arts curriculum program provides a range of experiences within 40 minute weekly lessons for Foundation students and one hour weekly lessons for Year One to Year 6 students. During these lessons students will sing, play, listen, move, dance, act, improvise, create and compose.
Performing Arts is broken down into the three disciplines Dance, Drama and Music. Students will have the opportunity to develop their Music skills and understanding by investigating various music elements, including beat, rhythm, pitch, melody, harmony, timbre, tempo and dynamics. Activities used to enhance these understandings include playing tuned and untuned percussion, body percussion, singing songs accompanied and unaccompanied, listening, discussing and analysing various compositions, improvising and composing rhythms and melodies individually and within a group. Students will engage in various Dance and Drama activities that enable them to explore different methods of expression, build confidence, cooperation and teamwork.
We also have our bi-annual events, the Junior School Production and Senior School Production, where students will gain skills of stagecraft and build confidence by performing in front of a large audience.
There is a range of extra-curricular Performing Arts groups that students can choose to be a part of. These include Senior Choir, Junior Choir, Senior Dance troupe, Junior Dance Troupe and Senior Band as well as parent funded music lessons through Music Online.
Language programs assist to develop cultural understanding and respect, as well as improving literacy skills and critical thinking. Our Language Other Than English (LOTE) program studied is Indonesian.
Our Indonesian program is based around themes and topics that capture the student's interests and needs. It builds on their natural love for activity, engaging them in games of all kinds, as well as songs and stories. The aim of each activity is always to introduce the students to purposeful use of the target language. Students learn the language of Indonesian through a range of topics such as Food, Bargaining, Folktales, Animals and Family, alongside learning about Indonesian culture.
The school holds an Indonesian Day in Term 3 every year, which focuses on cultural and creative aspects of learning Indonesian language and culture, including a dress-up day.
The science curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of important scientific concepts and processes, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge, the contribution of science to our culture and society and its applications in our lives.
Our aim is for students to expand their curiosity and willingness to explore, ask questions about and speculate on the changing world around them.
Mount Pleasant Road Primary School & Kindergarten
105 - 107 Mt Pleasant Road, Nunawading VIC 3131