At Mount Pleasant Road Primary, the culture of a learning community is fostered through educational programs that cater for students, teachers and parents in a safe, caring and happy community environment. Students learn together through rich, cohesive and diversified programs to reach their full potential - intellectually, socially and emotionally. Everything you need to know on how to enrol your child at Mount Pleasant Road Primary is on this page. If you have questions not answered on this page (and on the linked pages) please contact the Office.
If your child will be starting in Prep in 2026 then you will need complete an enrolment application online (below) along with proof of identity and immunisation. We encourage parents to enrol their children as early as possible so that their children can participate in the Orientation Program in October, Term 4 2024, where children will participate in four sessions in the Foundation classrooms.
You can only use the online form for new Preps in 2026 — for all other enrolments, please contact the school
If you need assistance using the online enrolment form there is a Quick Reference Guide for Parents:
Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2023 onwards.
Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
The Department provides guidance through the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations.
You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School Zones.
Your child must be five (5) years of age by 30 April 2025 to be eligible to start Foundation in 2025. Please provide proof of birth date (birth certificate or passport) and immunisation certificate when enrolling.
If your child is transferring from another school to Mount Pleasant Road Primary, then you will need to first have an interview with an Assistant Principal. Please contact the school to arrange an appointment..
We encourage parents to tell both Mount Pleasant Road Primary and their child’s current school about the transfer as soon as possible, because there are a number of required administration steps that take some time. Additionally, there is a state-wide Step-Up day in December each year, so if you’re starting at Mount Pleasant Road Primary next year we encourage you to bring your children to Mount Pleasant Road Primary that day so they can meet their new teacher. We will need to have initiated the transfer and assigned classes before Step-Up Day so the sooner you contact us the better.
For Prep students, you can use the online form linked above in the Prep section.
To enrol your non-Prep child at Mount Pleasant Road Primary School you will need to complete an enrolment application and provide specific information about your child. This information is listed on the Department of Education and Training (DET) website, and we are unable to enrol your child until we have received all the required forms. To commence this process, please contact the school.
Enrolment application forms for non-Preps are available for collection from the school office. Enrolment application forms for non-Preps are not available online.
Please note that the forms need to be completed and signed by both legal guardians. If you are unable to get both parents' signatures please contact the school office.
You will also need to provide your child’s immunisation status via an Immunisation History Statement (IHS) before we can complete enrolment — you can get the IHS through Medicare Online. If you need to get it through the post it can take up to 14 days.
If your child has a medical condition that may require support during school hours then you should provide details (e.g. asthma management plan, required daily medications, etc) with your enrolment. Our First Aid Officer can discuss the support we can provide at school, so please contact the school office if you need to discuss your child’s needs.
Mount Pleasant Road Primary School & Kindergarten
105 - 107 Mt Pleasant Road, Nunawading VIC 3131